sábado, 15 de dezembro de 2018

The green and the peace II

The cold morning
Will never be like that
Empty like that
Fully sad

- You so lonely 
The green so cozy -

Memories in my mind
The tasty love about you 
Will never be entertainment in the night
Entertainment like this
Entertainment like this

So, please!
Believe in me!
I’ll never be patetic
To don’t feel
To don't see
The nature talking about me
and the nature, baby
Now is talking about you and me.


The green and the peace I

In the forest
The cold morning
Will never be like that
Full of sadness
You are so far
The nature so welcoming
Memories in my head

Our crazy love
Will never be like this
A way to see time pass
So please come back
Please come back
Please come back

I'll never be patetic
To don't feel
If up to the green is talkin about us
You are so far
The nature so welcoming
Memories in my head

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